Helpful hints during treatment with Antifungal Solution

Curing toenail fungus requires both treatment and prevention. Patience is also key , it can take 6 to 12 months for a new toenail to completely grow in healthy and clear.

1. Keep your feet clean and dry, especially between the toes. Use an antibacterial or antifungal soap.

2. regularly during treatment to get rid of damaged nail.

3. Replace your emory boards and orange sticks often, to avoid re-infection, fungus can easily return.

4. Keep your shoes dry and as clean as possible. Use Lysol® or an antifungal spray like Mycomist® made specifically to deodorize and sanitize the interior of your shoes. Also new to the market is an ultraviolet shoe sanitizer called, ShoeZap™, that emits a specific wavelength of germicidal ultraviolet light in a 15 minute treatment.

5. Our staff Podiatrist says: “ If you exercise regularly, buy your athlete shoes a half size larger than your regular shoes, so you won’t bash your toenails as your feet swell during exercising.”

6. Keep your socks dry and clean. We suggest wearing white cotton socks so they can be washed with bleach after each wearing. If your feet get sweaty, bring a spare pair and change them. Fungus loves moisture in dark areas.

7. Depending on the severity of your toenail fungus, you may require a painless laser procedure to kill the fungus in the toenail, usually with one treatment. Using FungaBlend 10® afterwards for up to a year, is the best treatment option for eradicating tough to cure toenail fungus.